
Our Vision for Change

Every Jewish person has the right to make up their own mind about Jesus. Many Jewish people have never heard that following Jesus is a viable and thriving expression of Jewish life. We want other Jewish people to have the opportunity to experience the spiritual richness we’ve found in being Jewish and following Jesus.


Who We Are

We are a non-profit organization made up primarily of Jewish people, as well as other followers of Jesus who are committed allies of the Jewish people. Our staff raise awareness of Jesus as the Jewish Messiah, facilitate Jewish community, and provide spiritual care and meet needs in our local communities. We come from diverse Jewish backgrounds—some were raised Orthodox Jewish, some nominally Jewish. We’re artists, parents, doctors, and former IDF soldiers. But we have one thing in common: we all believe Yeshua (Jesus) is the Messiah our prophets foretold.

What We Do

We facilitate Jewish life and community all over the world, sharing with everyone we meet the life-changing message that true peace can be found in Yeshua. We believe the teachings of both the Tanakh and the Brit Hadasha (New Covenant) speak for themselves. That’s why we engage our Jewish people with the teachings of the Scriptures, and strive to live them out by loving God and our neighbors. In addition to advocating for Jesus within the Jewish community, we also help Christians gain a deeper understanding of the Jewish context of their own faith. We fight anti-Semitism across the globe by helping bring understanding between Jewish and Christian communities.


Want to have an open dialogue?

If you’re interested in exploring new ideas around Jesus, write us a message.